巨乳 av女優 华南理工大学陈芳炯
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巨乳 av女優 华南理工大学陈芳炯
发布日期:2024-11-02 12:30    点击次数:106

巨乳 av女優 华南理工大学陈芳炯

巨乳 av女優



主要说合标的为无线通讯及组网时间,具体包括信说念测度与平衡、新式调制时间,声电协同组网等。先后主执国度当然科学基金、栽种部首要说合权谋,广东省当然科学基金、广东省栽种部产学研统一技俩等30多项科研技俩,在国表里期刊及会议发表论文100多篇,其中SCI 收录60多篇。提倡发明专利恳求40多项(其中已授权22项)。说合效果获栽种部2008 年当然科学一等奖(第二完成东说念主)和2009 年广东省当然科学一等奖(第二完成东说念主)。担任国度当然科学基金会议评审众人、《电信科学》期刊编委,担任IEEE 2012 ICC等10多个海外会议时间委员会委员。





 Email: eefjchen@scut.edu.cn




多模态信号建模、传输与识别新算法,栽种部提名国度科学时间奖, 当然科学奖类二等奖,2005,第五完成东说念主



国度重心研发权谋课题(2020YFB1807702),6G 全场景按需劳动要道时间--网罗自把握控要道时间, 2021-2024



国度当然科学基金面上技俩61671211,基于载波序号调制的水声通讯时间,2017-2020, 56万



 R. Huang et al., Performance analysis of NOMA-based cooperative networks with relay selection, in China Communications, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 111-119, Nov. 2020S.

 S.Lin, B. Zheng, G. C. Alexandropoulos, M. Wen, M. Di Renzo and F. Chen, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Reflection Pattern Modulation: Beamforming Design and Performance Analysis, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2020.3028198.  *

 S. Lin, B. Zheng, G. C. Alexandropoulos, M. Wen, F. Chen and S. sMumtaz, Adaptive Transmission for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted OFDM Wireless Communications, in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 2653-2665, Nov. 2020  *  11.42

 Q. Li, M. Wen, S. Dang, E. Basar, H. V. Poor and F. Chen, Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing Based on OFDM With Index Modulation, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 192-204, Jan. 2020, *

B. Zheng et al., Design of Multi-Carrier LBT for LAA&WiFi Coexistence in Unlicensed Spectrum, in IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 76-83, January/February 2020,  *

 X. Zhong, F. Ji, F. Chen, Q. Guan and H. Yu, A New Acoustic Channel Interference Model for 3-Dimensional Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks and Throughput Analysis, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, 7(10):  9930 – 9942  *9.936

Xuefeng Zhong, Fangjiong Chen, Quansheng Guan, Fei ji and ,Hua Yu,On the distribution of nodal distances in random wireless ad hoc network with mobile node, AD HOC NETWORKS, 2020, 97(2):  3.643

Y. Liu, Z. Zeng, W. Tang and F. Chen, Data-Importance Aware Radio Resource Allocation: Wireless Communication Helps Machine Learning, in IEEE Communications Letters,  2020,  24(9): ‏ 1981-1985.

J. Li, F. Chen*(陈芳炯), Y. Wang, P. Charge, F. Ji and H. Yu, Spatial Spectrum Estimation of Incoherently Distributed Sources Based on Low-Rank Matrix Recovery, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(6): 6333-6347,

Y. Huang, Y. Liu and F. Chen, NOMA-Aided Mobile Edge Computing via User Cooperation, in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 2221-2235, April 2020,  *

Shaoe Lin, B.Zhen*, F.Chen*(陈芳炯),  Fei Ji, Hua Yu , Soft Demodulators Based on Deterministic SMC for Single-Carrier GSM in Broadband Channels,IF 10.91 1区,IEEE JSAC, 2019 37 (9): 1973-1985

 Z Hu, F Chen, Y Liu, S Liu, H Yu, F Ji,Low-Complexity Detection for Multiple-Mode OFDM with Index Modulation,Physical Communication,欧美最大色情IF1.80 4区,性爱大师3 2019,34, 38-47

 Q Li, M Wen, E Basar, HV Poor, F Chen,Spatial modulation-aided cooperative NOMA: Performance analysis and comparative study,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,IF7.10, 2区, 2019,13 (3), 715-728

J Wang, F Ji, F Chen, Z Hu,Correlated Source Number Estimation with Gerschgorin Radii of Partitioned Matrices Products,Wireless Personal Communications, IF1.28, 4区, 1-15

Q Li, M Wen, Y Zhang, J Li, F Chen, F Ji,Information-Guided Pilot Insertion for OFDM-Based Vehicular Communications Systems,IEEE Internet of Things Journal,IF11.33,1区, 6 (1), 26-37

D Wan, M Wen, F Ji, H Yu, F Chen,On the achievable sum-rate of NOMA-based diamond relay networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,IF6.29, 2区, 2019, 68 (2), 1472-1486

Z. Yang, F.Chen*(陈芳炯), B. Zheng, M. Wen and W. Yu, Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM With Generalized Index Modulation Systems Using Inactive Data Tones, in IEEE Communications Letters, IF4.17, 3区,vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 2302-2305, Nov. 2018.

B. Zheng, M. Wen, E. Basar and Fangjiong Chen, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output OFDM With Index Modulation: Low-Complexity Detector Design, in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 2758-2772, June1, 1 2017

Beixiong zheng, Fangjiong Chen, M. Wen, F. Ji, H Yu, Novel pilot position selection and signal reconstruction method for freqency domain pilot multiplexing, IEEE Trans. vehicular technology, 2017 66(1):502-512

Hua Yu, Aijun Song, Mohsen Badiey,Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Iterative estimation of doubly selective underwater acoustic channel using basis expansion models, Ad Hoc Network, 2015 (2):1-7

Weiqiang, Pan, Ping Liu, Fangjiong Chen, et al, Doppler-shift estimation of flat underwater channel using data-aided least-square approach , International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2015 7(2).

Fangjiong Chen, Yabing Kang, Hua Yu* and Fei Ji, Non-data-aided ML SNR estimation for AWGN channels with deterministic interference, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Feb.2014.

Yang Song, Kainam Thomas Wong, Fangjiong Chen, “Quasi- Blind Calibration of an Array of Acoustic Vector-Sensors that are Subject to Gain Errors / Mis-Location / Mis-Orientation, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 2014, 62(9): 2330-2344

Yun Liu ; Hua Yu ; Fei Ji ; Fangjiong Chen; Weiqiang Pan, Robust Timing Estimation Method for OFDM Systems With Reduced Complexity, Communications Letters, IEEE, 2014 18(11): 1959- 1962

Meiyang Gong,Fangjiong Chen,et al, Normalized Adaptive Channel Equalizer Based on Minimal Symbol-Error-Rate, IEEE Trans. Communication,2013,61(4): 1374 - 1383(PDF)

Fangjiong Chen et al, Maximum Likelihood Based Measurement of Interference Level and Noise Power for Memoryless Gaussian Channel with Deterministic Interference, IEEE Tran. Communication, 2012,60(1):19-22

Fang-Jiong Chen, San Kwong, Chi-Wah Kok, ESPRIT-like Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation For Coherent Signals, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems, 2010,46(3):1477-1484

Fangjiong Chen and Sam Kwong, Multi-User Detection Using Hidden Markov Model, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 2009, 58 (1): 107 - 115

Fang-Jiong Chen,C-C. Fung, C-W. Kok and S. Kwong, Estimation of 2-dimensional frequencies using modified matrix-pencil method. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing.2007,55(2): 718-724

Jiangyuan Li, Gang Wei and Fangjiong Chen.On Minimum-BER Linear Multiuser Detection. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing. 2007,55(3): 1093-1103

Gang Wei and Fangjiong Chen, Blind identification of IIR systems based on a specialSIMO model,IEEE Transaction on circuit and system I: regular paper, 2004 51(3)

Fangjiong Chenand Sam Kwong, Blind MMSE Equalization of FIR/IIR Channels Using Oversampling and Multichannel Linear Prediction, ETRI Journal, 2009, 31(2):162-172.

Fangjiong chen, Sam Kwong and Gang Wei, An evolutionary approach for joint blind multichannel estimation and order detection, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol2003, 2003(8):757-765

Chen, Fangjiong, Kwong, Sam, Wei, Gang, Ku, Cleve K.W. and Man, K.F. Blind linear channel estimation using genetic algorithm and SIMO model, Signal Processing,2003 83(9):2021-2035

Fangjiong Chen, Sam Kwong and Gang Wei. Weighted subspace method for FIR multichannels estimation. IEE Electronics Letter. 2002,38(10): 481-483.

Qingli Zhao, Fangjiong Chen, et al, Low-Complexity Resource Allocation Algorithm forMulticell OFDMA System, IEICE Trans. Communications,E96-B(5):1218-1221

Yang Cao, G. Wei and Fangjiong Chen, An exact analysis of Modified Covariance frequency estimation algorithm based on Correlation of single-tone, Signal Processing, 2012, 92: 2785-2790

Yan Cao, Gang Wei, Fang-Jiong Chen, A closed-form expanded autocorrelation method for frequency estimation of a sinusoid Source, Signal Processing, 92(4), pp 885-892, 2012/1/1.

Ying Liu, Fangjiong Chen,Fei Ji, Xiaodong Chen, Shangkun Xiong, Semi-Distributed Coordinative Switch Beamforming with Power Scheduling, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 2011, 3(2): 12-18

Gang Wei, Cui Yang, Fang-jiong Chen,Closed-Form Frequency Estimator Based on Narrow-Band Approximation under noisy environment,Signal Processing, 2011,91(4):841-851.

Cui Yang, Gang Wei, Fang-jiong Chen,An Estimation-range Extended Autocorrelation Based Frequency Estimator, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 2009,(10).

陈芳炯,林耀荣,韦岗. 基于输出过采样的IIR信说念迫零盲平衡. 电子学报,2006 (3):441-444

陈芳炯, 韦岗. 一种基于子空间分解的IIR信说念盲辩识算法, 电子学报. 2002,30(1):83-86

王永学, 陈芳炯, 韦岗. 基于分数阶傅里叶变换的正交频分复用系统同步分析, 电子学报,2006, 34(9): 1690-1693

李小玮,陈芳炯,韦岗. 比特交汇立地分层空时码的Turbo 检测—译码步伐,通讯学报,2006, 27(6): 102-107

王永学,陈芳炯,韦岗. 非精信托说念信息下的自相宜MIMO-OFDM系统性能分析. 电子与信息学报. 2006 28(3): 433-436


Yun Liu, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Hua Yu and J. Zhang, A New Amphibious Network Infrastructure with Hybrid Acoustic and Radio Links, ACM 2013 WUWNET

Hua Yu, Aijun Song, Mohsen Badiey, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji., Iterative Estimation of the Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channel Using Basis Expansion Models, ACM 2013 WUWNET

Beixiong Zheng, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji and Hua Yu Least-Symbol-Error-Rate Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization for Underwater Channel,. ACM 2013 WUWNET

Sheng Dai ;Fangjiong Chen ; Xiaodong Chen ; Shangkun Xiong,Optimal power allocation of pilot symbols for LS channel estimation in OFDMA uplink,2012 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems巨乳 av女優 (ICCAS), 2012:112 - 115

Ying Liu,Fangjiong Chen,Fei Ji,Xiaodong Chen,Shangkun Xiong, Joint Beam-Power Coordinative Scheduling of Neighboring Sectors in Cellular Systems, The 3rd International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing, Apr. 2011

Ruxiu Zhong, Fei Ji, Fangjiong Chen,Distributed Subcarrier and Power Allocation forCellular OFDMA Systems,International conference of Distributed computing and artifitial intelligence. DCAI2010, pp. 349-356

Shichang Xie; Fangjiong Chen;Sam Kwong; Fei Ji, Generalized Multicarrier Modulation with Pseudo Nonuniform Carrier Spaces, IEEE International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing, 2009. NSWCTC '09. vol. 1,25-26 April 2009:196 - 199

Fang-Jiong Chen, S.Kwong and C-W Kok. Two-Dimensional Angle and Polarization Estimation using ESPRIT without Pairing. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2006. ISCAS 2006.Island of Kos, Greece . May 2006

Fangjiong Chen, Sam Kwong, et al. Blind IIR Channel Equalization Based on Second-Order Statistics . IEEE 63th Vehicular Technology Conference.Melbourne, Australia . May 2006

Fang-Jiong Chen, C-C. Fung, C-W. Kok and S. Kwong, Estimation of 2-dimensional frequencies using modified matrix-pencil method. IEEE 6th Worshop on Signal Processing Advanced in Wireless Communication.New York.USA . 2005 6:850-855      

Fang-Jiong Chen, Man-Wai Kwan, Chi-Wah Kok, S. Kwong, A class of space-time code for blind detection, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005. ISCAS 2005. 23-26 May 2005 Page(s):3607 – 3610

Jiangyuan Li, Fangjiong Chen, and Gang Wei. Local Minimum-BER Linear Multiuser Detector. 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies. ISCIT2005,Beijing , Sept.2005: 494-497

Li Xiaowei, Fangjiong Chenand WEI Gang, A Joint detection method for horizontal-BLAST architecture. IEEE 2005 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technology for wireless Communication.Beijing , Oct.2005:987-990

Yongxue Wang,Fangjiong Chen, Gang Wei. Adaptive subcarrier and bit allocation for multiuser OFDM system based on genetic algorithm IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, HongKong, May 2005:242 – 246 

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